Monday, August 22, 2016

Review: Ghostly Echoes

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

Title: Ghostly Echoes (Book 3 in the Jackaby series)
Author: William Ritter
Publication Date: August 23, 2016
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal/Supernatural/Mystery
Recommended If You Like: the previous two books in the Jackaby series, a supernatural/paranormal take on a Holmes and Watson-like partnership, strong female protagonists/narrators/characters

The Book:

The third book in the Jackaby series focuses on the mystery of Jenny Cavanaugh, the resident ghost of the home Jackaby and Abigail Rook live in. Jenny is their friend, who is haunted herself by what happened to her and her fiance a decade ago. Jackaby and Abigail take it upon themselves to help her solve her own murder.

But along the way, they start to realize that this conspiracy spreads far wider than they had ever anticipated.

What I Liked:

I love the characters in this series, particularly Jackaby, Abigail, and Jenny. They are strong, complex individuals with their own strengths and issues, who compliment and confound each other in perfect measure. Jackaby and Abigail share a true partnership, with each bringing to the table what the other lacks. Their friendship and partnership grows naturally and feels true and real.

I also love the romance between Charlie and Abigail. Ritter really is an expert at creating relationships that read real, and that seem to grow organically.

The world Ritter has created is amazing. It is full of futuristic science, Seelie, and bridge trolls, auras and werewolves.

Anything I Didn't Like?

It's honestly hard for me to find anything I don't enjoy about this series. In this third entry, there was a bit less mystery than I would have liked, but that is definitely personal preference--I always want there to be more mystery in every book I read.


I highly recommend this book, and this series. It's the kind of series where after I read an ARC, or borrow one of the books from the library, I add a hard copy of my own to my wishlist. It's the kind of series where I want to have personal copies of my own on my bookshelf.

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