Thursday, August 27, 2020

ARC Review: Thread and Dead


I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

Title: Thread and Dead
Author: Elizabeth Penney
Publication Date: August 25, 2020
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Recommended If You Like: small community settings, sweet romance, a little science with your mystery, strong female protagonists

The Book:

Iris Buckley has just gotten a call about a load of vintage aprons and linens that sound perfect for her shop. But arriving at Shorehaven Estate draws her into mystery and intrigue when she stumbles onto a dead body. Juggling a healthy romance, her friends, and the intrigue behind a hidden set of valuable jewels, Iris must also work to help solve the murder before another person is killed.

What I Liked:

Iris and her friends are great, strong, loyal women. They are always there for each other, but are not cliquey, welcoming newcomers into their circle.

I also loved the romances. Iris and her boyfriend Ian are in a stable, healthy, loving relationship, and are really sweet together. Her friends have very sweet relationships with their partners as well. 

I love a small town setting for a cozy mystery, and this fit the bill perfectly. There's even a festival going on, involving a fashion show, a crazy lobster bib contest, and lots of other events and drama.

Anything I Didn't Like?

The mystery was centered around science and seaweed, which are not really what I'm looking for when I'm reading a light fun cozy mystery. I had some trouble keeping track of who was who sometimes with so many characters and so much intrigue.


I loved the main characters a lot, they kept me really involved in the story. The mystery itself had a great dramatic conclusion, but the subject material wasn't really my cup of tea. This was a good read, and I would wander back to this series at some point I suspect, mainly because of the main characters.

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