Monday, August 3, 2020

ARC Review: Boyfriend Material

This book is an absolute delight!

First of all, and I think most importantly, I could not get enough of the two main characters and their romance.

 Luc has never felt like he was worth much of anything, between his former rockstar father abandoning him, and his ex-boyfriend selling their story to the tabloids. Since he doesn't feel worthwhile, he hasn't cared for his reputation either, which has landed him in hot water at his job (working for a charity for the preservation of dung beetles). Major donors are pulling out of their biggest fundraiser, and the only way to lure them back in and save his job is to make it look as if he's turned his life around-hence the need for a fake respectable boyfriend.

Enter Oliver, who Luc's friend has been trying to set him up with for ages. Luc thinks Oliver hates him, Oliver thinks Luc hates him, but Oliver also needs a fake boyfriend so he doesn't have to attend his parents' anniversary party alone. Both agree that they will bring their fake romance to an end as soon as both events are over, but then real feelings get involved.

I shipped these two so hard from the moment they shared the page together. I was so invested in them getting and staying together I almost skipped to the end to make sure everything ended up okay (and this is a thing I never ever do). Their relationship developed so naturally despite the outrageous circumstances.

Also, this book is really, really funny. There are so many hilarious moments, many brought into play by the fantastic cast of highly unique supporting characters. Luc's friends are a stitch, and there is a great running gag where every day Luc tells a joke to his co worker, who doesn't understand what a joke is and instead tries to puzzle them out through logic every time.

I absolutely recommend this book. It was a real moment of joy in the midst of these difficult times.

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