Sunday, August 2, 2020

ARC Review: Perfectly Famous

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

So my thoughts and feelings on this book went through a progression that can best be described as a downward spiral with a huge drop off at the end:

  • Premise:  Sounds intriguing. There's a reclusive writer hiding away after a family tragedy, and a determined journalist working to solve the unsolved mystery behind said family tragedy.
  • Beginning: Okay, we're getting some character backstory here. While it does seem a long time spent on describing a book signing, it is the set up to the crucial event the entire novel is centered around. We get the background on the journalist and her life as well, which also seems important for why she would be so motivated and driven to find this one specific author who does not want to be found.
  • Middle: I spent a large portion of this just wanting to shake almost all the characters and tell them to stop making stupid and annoying choices. But I was curious enough about the secrets that were still to be revealed, and there was a developing romance I was definitely rooting for.
  • Ending: Ooo, a big reveal I didn't call! I love when I don't see something like that coming. However, the other big reveal I had been essentially screaming at the book for many, many chapters. 
  • Last Page: Um...that happened. It made no sense, came out of nowhere, and could have been a really intriguing twist if it fit in at all with what came before and if there was any sort of follow up. And it seems like almost every other review I've read seems to feel the exact same way. I just don't understand how any writer or editor would have just left that "plot twist" (?) in there and thought that was a good call.

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