Saturday, January 16, 2021

ARC Review: The Meet-Cute Project


Let me start this review by saying that I absolutely loved this book!

Mia, our teenage narrator and main protagonist, must suddenly confront the status of her love life (and, in turn, her life in general), when her older sister Sam insists Mia find a date to her wedding to keep the number of bridesmaids and groomsmen even. When Mia turns to her friends for help, they decide on organizing a series of "meet cutes" like in the movies, convinced this will be the key to helping Mia find her match.

Mia is so relatable and likable as she tries to figure out exactly what she wants out of life and where she fits. Her struggles and triumphs feel real, as do those of the characters around her. Every character shows growth, not just Mia, and all the side plots are interesting and relevant to the story.

And don't even get me started on the romance, it is perfection. I was hoping so much for Mia's happy ending, and for it to be with a certain guy who seemed perfect for her. No spoilers, but the ending felt like a movie in the absolute best way.

This book is everything I hope for when I turn on or open up a romantic comedy. It gave me the smile and spirit lift I needed during these difficult times.

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