Friday, May 10, 2024

ARC Review: The House That Horror Built

 I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself. 

The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry

Harry, an avid horror movie buff, has become a house cleaner for Mr. Castillo, an infamous horror movie director whose son and wife disappeared years ago. Harry tries to keep her curiosity to herself, ignoring the strange voices and creepy costumes she sometimes encounters while cleaning Mr. Castillo’s mansion full of tributes to his films. But when her son, Gabe, becomes involved, Harry realizes she may have to dig a lot deeper.

This is a slow moving book, which means the suspense and thrills and horror are slow to build. When they get going, this is a creepy book for sure. Harry and Gabe are really compelling characters, especially given the situations they find themselves in. While this isn’t my favorite horror book ever, I did enjoy it, especially the twist at the end. If you enjoy suspenseful horror, I would recommend this book.

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