Thursday, October 22, 2020

ARC Review: Mortmain Hall


I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

Rachel Savernake has tried, and failed, to convince a man- who pretended to be dead- to run while he still can. And this is only the very beginning of the story. From there, readers are immediately thrown into a sensational murder trial, one of the main characters being framed for murder, and a mysterious meeting on a remote estate where all the guests are presumed to have gotten away with killing someone. There is even death by lion at one point.

In another author's hands, I might have said this book could have been shorter, as a lot of time passes before the remote estate is reached. But Edwards does a great job of keeping readers engaged with the other events happening in the story, and (fictional) entries from a true crime book written by another character. When guests arrive at the estate, the tension is so thick because so much has been building to this moment.

Rachel Savernake is a hard character to connect to, and even to like sometimes, but I think that is the point. I have not read the first book in the series, but her characterization in this second entry feels fully fleshed out. She has gone through a great deal, particularly in her earlier years, and that has shaped her into exactly who she is when we meet her now. 

Jacob Elliot is my favorite character. He is a newspaper reporter and acquaintance of Rachel, and he brings a lightness to the story that is needed. He is almost like the stand in for the reader, asking all the questions that they want to know the answer to.

This is a good, gripping read with a very surprising ending, and enough going on to absolutely keep a reader's attention.

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