Friday, September 13, 2024

ARC Review: What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust

 I received an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or the review itself. 

When Flavia de Luce’s beloved family cook is suspected of murder by poisonous mushrooms, Flavia is on the case. But what she finds goes far beyond mushrooms and a local man’s murder, and into something far more sinister than even she could have anticipated. 

I love the Flavia de Luce books and have read every single one. This book was also a delight, but I felt there was so much focus on something I was less interested in (avoiding saying what for fear of spoilers) it kind of brought things down for me. There was one big gasp-worthy moment that was done quite effectively. I liked this book for sure, but didn’t love it like I had the others.

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