Sunday, September 1, 2024

ARC Review: Peach Tea Smash

 I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or the review itself.

The Mad Hatter Masquerade is in full swing when Harlan Sadler is murdered. Theodosia, tea shop owner extraordinaire, is on the case, sorting through family histories and close kept secrets to solve the murder.

I love this series, each book is an absolute delight, and the definition of a cozy mystery. This entry is no exception. Theodosia is in fine form, as are her supporting characters, and The Mad Hatter Masquerade is a great setting for a spooky murder. The big twist at the end is a big surprise. I would definitely recommend this book, and this series. 

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