Sunday, August 4, 2024

ARC Review: Look in the Mirror

 I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

What a wild, wonderful ride this book is.

Nina has recently lost her father, who left her a massive property she knew nothing about. Now, as she’s visiting the house for the first time, she’s discovering she has far more questions than answers.

Maria is a nanny whose client hasn’t showed. So instead she relaxes around the house and pool. But she’s struggling to follow the one rule-stay out of the basement.

This book is so good. It in no way ever goes where you expect it to go. Every twist is intense and surprising, and the chapters are packed with so much drama. I also loved the surprising romance, and the really strong female characters. I won’t say anything else so I don’t give anything away. I definitely recommend this book. 

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