Tuesday, June 25, 2024

ARC Review: Love Letters to a Serial Killer

 I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

Hannah’s boyfriend has left her just as her best friend pulls away to spend time with her own boyfriend. When a series of women are found murdered, Hannah finds herself on a true crime forum, where she learns about William, the prime suspect. Hannah starts writing to William, originally from a place of anger, which soon turns into something else entirely when William writes back. 

William’s case becomes Hannah’s whole life. Then he is found not guilty and his life becomes Hannah’s life. But that doesn’t mean Hannah doesn’t still have her suspicions.

This was a great book. Hannah is a very complex character, and the other characters all add so much to the story. The author has some very interesting things to say about true crime culture and society’s obsession with true crime. There’s an amazing twist as well. I would recommend this book. 

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