Saturday, January 14, 2023

ARC Review: Blaze Me a Sun


I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinon of the book or my review itself.

This is a story about crime and its repercussions.

When the prime minister of Sweden is assassinated the same night a serial killer calls in their first murder, it sets off a chain of fear and investigation that lingers through decades. Different characters are affected in different ways, but everyone is affected somehow, sometimes in ways it takes them years to understand.

This book could be really slow moving for me at times, even with the powerful punch of the assassination and murder happening on the same night. But nonetheless there was something compelling about this story that made it so I couldn't put the book down. Whether it was following the characters along on their own personal journeys, or having to know the solution to the mystery, or a combination of both, I'm not sure, but I wasn't able to stop reading (despite having considered it once). And I have to say the big final twist was a really shocking one, and brought everything together in a really satisfying and emotionally hard hitting way.

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