Monday, November 2, 2020

ARC Review: Premeditated Myrtle


I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself. 

Myrtle is the twelve year old daughter of a widowed lawyer, armed with her exceptional studying of all things criminal science and her brilliant and extraordinarily competent governess. When Myrtle notices something seems to be wrong with her neighbor, she sets off a murder investigation that will have her using all her skills and all her strengthes to save the day.

I absolutely loved this book. Myrtle feels like a real twelve year old. Her emotional states, reactions, humor, and relationships all feel authentic. She has an area of expertise few twelve year olds have, but that's because that is the area she has chosen to focus her attention on. 

Every supporting character is so well-done, and all play an important role. It's truly hard to pick a favorite, though I am partial to Myrtle's wonderful governess, Miss Judson. The settings are so well-described, you feel like you've walked through every one of the buildings and along every street. The solution to the mystery is an excellent one as well, with lots of suspense and daring.

I'm very excited to see what comes next in this series, I can't wait!

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