Saturday, February 8, 2020

ARC Review: The Tenant

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself.

I liked this book, mostly.

I almost gave up reading it multiple times in the beginning, but something made me think it was worth continuing.

The idea of a killer basing his murder(s) off a novel has always been a fictional trope that I've found interesting to read, so maybe it was knowing this was part of the story that kept me reading. Maybe it was that, despite the slow start to the book, it still seemed like everything was building to something worth finding out.

About a quarter of the way in, something clicked for me and it felt like things were picking up. The two main detectives have a strange, strained, yet affectionate relationship that feels real, and they are  smart and determined despite how lackadaisical they may sometimes come across as. The case they are trying to solve-the brutal murder of a young woman, in an apartment building owned by an older woman, who is writing a mystery novel the murder was seemingly based off-is a unique one with high stakes. And the unexpected multitudes of ways the pasts of the characters come into play made for some highly unexpected twists and turns.

So my final verdict? To be honest, I don't see a need for anyone to run out and grab a copy of this book to read. That said, if you happen to have a copy, or come across a copy, give it a try. If you can make it through the slow start, you might just find a mystery you need to know the answer to.

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