Friday, September 6, 2019

Review: The Long Call

I received a ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my opinion of the book or my review itself. 

Title: The Long Call
Author: Ann Cleeves
Publication Date: September 3, 2019
Genre: Psychological Mystery
Recommended If You Like: detectives with complicated pasts, mysteries with multiple threads, secrets from the past, close-knit communities

The Book:

When a body is found on a beach in North Devon, Detective Matthew Venn catches the case. Fresh from his father's funeral, a service he was only able to watch from afar due to his break from a close-knit religious community, Venn finds himself once again drawn into his past life as he works to solve the crime.

What I Liked:

Matthew Venn is a great character. He's got a complicated past and an interesting present, and is passionate about his work. Cleeves has surrounded him with equally interesting supporting characters, from ones who will clearly be reoccurring in future books in the series, to one time only men and women who are provided just as equally fascinating backstories and lives.

The mystery was a really good one as well. It was just complex and complicated enough where I didn't see the ending coming, but I was still able to follow all the threads and understand everything.

Anything I Didn't Like? 

There wasn't anything not to like about this book. It was a read that absolutely flew by.


I'm really excited for this new series, and am very much looking forward to the next entry!